02.08.2024 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

The contemporary multipolar world is all the more interesting because current events continue to create surprises for the Western planetary minority and those nostalgic for the unipolar era. In the context of these events, numerous reconfigurations of alliances and various types of interaction are observed. One example is the Sahel region, where Russia and Türkiye support countries that have largely thwarted Western interests. With an increasingly overt interaction.

01.08.2024 Mohamed Lamine KABA

Far from the discourse of presenting itself as a neutral state, colonial history reveals the active participation of Luxembourg in the colonisation of Africa. This article exposes the particularity of Luxembourg’s little-known participation in the colonisation of the Congo. Contrary to popular belief, the Grand Duchy – although it did not directly establish colonies – established close ties with Belgium and was actively involved in the Belgian Congo.

30.07.2024 Ivan Kopytsev

Against the background of the intensification of Ethiopian foreign policy, which has highlighted the issue of obtaining direct access to the sea, the unrecognised state of Somaliland, which had previously remained on the periphery of geopolitics, suddenly found itself in the centre of the unfolding confrontation…

28.07.2024 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

As expected, the Western planetary minority is intensifying its attempts to exert psychological pressure on all countries and alliances belonging to the global majority to the maximum, trying with the last of its strength to snatch at least a small revenge and to at least partially reconcile the already massively lost positions. This is clearly visible today in many African countries, where the West continues to suffer new defeats. But the latter have still not realized that its own actions only accelerate the process of its ouster.

26.07.2024 Mohamed Lamine KABA

While international relations were organized around two poles of power (East and West) after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the illusion of the end of the Cold War in 1991, the emergence of new centers of power in the Global South changes the situation. It is in this spirit that the prestigious think tank that we agree to call in other words “the Valdaï discussion club ”, based in Moscow, is organizing its second Russian-African conference (July 24, 2024 in Dar es Salaam in Tanzania), one year after the second Russia-Africa summit in Saint Petersburg (here).

25.07.2024 Simon Chege Ndiritu

Kenya’s antigovernment protests continues into the second month and are similar to Ghana’s in 2022, as both started from over taxation and worsening living standard, problems absent in South East Asia (e.g. Vietnam), which was also colonized. Kenya, Ghana, and Zambia have attempted development for 6 decades but lag behind Vietnam, which started developing under 4 decades ago. Clearly, Kenya and African countries need to change their development model from the World Bank/IMF’s neoliberal Ponzi for enriching western corporations.

24.07.2024 Viktor Goncharov

Recent developments on the African continent show that the tide is turning away from francophone West Africa, which has seen 9 military coups in the last 7 years, and towards the Horn of Africa. Signs of impending instability are most visible in Ethiopia.

22.07.2024 Viktor Mikhin

Ethiopian authorities are looking for a way to break through the established geographical blockade. The ambitious Ethiopian Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed, took up this task. Experts say that Ethiopia’s determination to have its own port facilities in the Red Sea is leading to increased tensions in the strategically important Horn of Africa region.

17.07.2024 Vanessa Sevidova

During their first joint summit held in Niamey, the capital of Niger, on Saturday, the military leaders of Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger signed a treaty according to which the trio became a confederation. This comes just a few months after their departure from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in January.

16.07.2024 Mohamed Lamine KABA

For several years now, something more important has been happening on the political scene in the West African region. It is the breakdown of dehumanizing colonial agreements and the rise of disapproval of French imperialism in the region, at the forefront, the Alliance of Sahel States (AES). As an expert in the geopolitics of governance and regional integration, it is important for us to take a close look at the resolution of the most anticipated first-ever summit of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES), held on July 6, 2024, in Niamey, Niger.

15.07.2024 Viktor Goncharov

Today, while the US government and political think-tanks are looking for ways to solve the trilemma posed by its African policy, namely, which of its three goals (the development of democracy, the fight against terrorism and its competition with other world powers, primarily China) to prioritize, terrorism is spreading like a cancer to the coastal countries on the Gulf of Guinea.

13.07.2024 Simon Chege Ndiritu

Some African leaders perpetuate corruption and incompetence, while the US and Western Europe avail convenient justifications for such behavior, which hurts Africans.