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Sources of conflictogenicity: Is a new inter-State armed conflict possible in the Horn of Africa?

For several decades, the number of interstate conflicts in the world has been declining: most armed confrontations have been asymmetrical, usually characterised by the struggle between states and non-state actors. At the same time, in recent years, against the backdrop of the gradual breakdown of the unipolar world order that has existed since the early 1990s, long-standing contradictions between states have increasingly reasserted themselves, and new stumbling blocks in the relations of various countries continue to emerge amid the numerous transformations…

Ivan Kopytsev

Gabon after the coup d'etat

Minutes after the news that Ali Bongo Ondimba had once again won the presidential election in the Gabonese capital, Libreville, on 30 August this year, a group of military officers announced onGabon 24 television channel that he had been removed from power, the results of the election annulled, the Government dissolved, the borders closed and a Committee for the Transition and Restoration of State Authority established. The committee, which was headed by the Commander of the Republican Guard, General Brice Oligui Nguema, comprised members of the regular army, the Republican Guard and other security forces…

Viktor Goncharov

An Unspoken Tale of Western Massacres

The West has always posed itself as the flag bearer of human rights. Even the ideology of democracy promoted by the West also predicates on these very rights. Most of the wars fought by Western leaders and countries were under the pretense of safeguarding human rights. However, a profound and in-depth study of history unravels some bitter truths about the Western history of wars and the atrocities committed by it during the occupation and colonization of different regions…

Abbas Hashemite