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European Union Leadership Announced New Lebensraum Expansion Policy

The European Elites have a stunning new plan to defeat the fearsome Russian hoards marching toward Central Europe again. EU grand strategists will reinvent Adolph Hitler’s idea of Lebensraum. French Europe Minister Laurence Boone told POLITICO recently that the only way to combat Putin’s yearning for conquest is for the EU bloc to expand. No, I am not joking. According to the news, the EU is preparing for a potential wave of expansion that could expand the bloc by as many as eight new members, including Ukraine and six Balkan countries…

Phil Butler

Digest of Inter-Korean Tensions amid US-ROK Joint Exercises. Part 1. South Korean Actions

Ulchi Freedom Shield, a joint US-South Korean military exercise, was held on the Korean Peninsula from August 21 to 31, 2023. A press release from the Republic of Korea (South Korea) Joint Chiefs of Staff noted that Ulchi Freedom Shield-2023 was created to be “a rigorous and realistic exercise to strengthen the alliance’s joint defense posture and response capabilities based on scenarios that reflect various security threats and lessons learned from recent wars and conflicts.” Among other things, the exercise was developed to strengthen the army’s military readiness…

Konstantin Asmolov

Washington Wakes Up to Harsh Reality Amid Ukraine Proxy War

Long gone are Western headlines heralding Ukraine’s NATO-trained and armed forces and the prospects of them able to “sweep Putin’s conscripts aside,” as former British Army Colonel Hamish De Bretton-Gordon claimed in an article published as recently as June this year. As Ukraine’s offensive forces broke across extensive Russian defenses all along the line of contact from Zaporozhye to Kharkov, the realization that Washington, London, and Brussels underestimated the Russian Federation economically, politically, diplomatically, and most importantly, militarily and industrially, began to set in. Today, different kinds of headlines now…

Brian Berletic