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The Collapse of International Law

International law has essentially collapsed with the US backed Israeli siege of the Palestinian people of Gaza, in response to the Hamas attack on Israeli occupation forces on October 7. The Palestinians have no expectation of mercy from the Israelis, when they have suffered decades of Israeli ethnic cleansing of Palestinian lands and their replacement by Israeli settlers, all in violation of international law and several UN resolutions, including, of course, Resolution 242 which required Israel to withdraw from all the lands they seized in the 1967 War; a war which they now admit was started on a pretext in order to seize those lands and push out the Palestinians…

Christopher Black

Mongolia’s space initiatives - new projects in a new sector

In 1981 Mongolia’s “space pioneer,” the astronaut Jügderdemidiin Gürragchaa, made a flight on the Salyut 39 mission. He later became the head of the Russian-Mongolian Friendship Association A great deal has changed in Mongolia since then, not least the political system and the country’s economic and social development priorities. For a long time Mongolia could not afford to dream about having a space program, first because of its struggles to alleviate the acute poverty and other woes caused by “economic liberalization,” and…

Boris Kushhov

West’s Bias Towards Israeli Atrocities in Palestine

Recently, Israel announced a complete blockade of Gaza, ranging from cutting communication facilities including internet and phone services to restricting the provision of basic humanitarian needs like food and water. Israel has also launched the ground invasion of Gaza after days of bombing civilians, residential buildings, and hospitals in the region. Many believe that the reason behind cutting off the internet and communication services is intended to conceal the war crimes and atrocities of the Israeli forces in the occupation of Gaza. According to the Human Rights Watch

Abbas Hashemite