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USA - India - Australia

In this March, at the meeting of the AUKUS block leaders, the leaders of the USA, UK and Australia in their joint statement declared the plan for the further development of the alliance within the framework of which three American NPS, Virginia type, nuclear-powered, will be sold to Canberra. This may become the first case in history when a non-nuclear state will reinforce its fleet with submarines of this type, thereby creating an international precedent. Before this, such submarines have been in service only with five members of the so-called nuclear club: the USA, Russia, UK, France and China…

Fernando Gaillardo

Lee Jae-myung’s ordeal: No arrest, but charges are filed

Prosecutors have reportedly prepared more than 1,600 pages of documents to support their criminal allegations that Lee should be arrested. During the voting in the National Assembly on Lee’s detention, Justice Minister Han Dong-hoon stated: “The case involving Lee is an orchestrated crime involving multiple individuals and has raised significant concerns about the potential for evidence tampering through coercion or pressure on accomplices and witnesses, given Lee’s political status and the investigation process.” The minister claimed that Lee Jae-myung and his group forced government officials…

Konstantin Asmolov

Information colonialism of a particular type in South Africa

Africa has become the main arena of both colonialism and neo-colonialism. Most countries on the continent experienced a ‘traditional’ form of colonialism. However, the Republic of South Africa had a significantly different history of colonialism. It is not by chance that it is labelled as colonialism of a special type. Whereas in most states on the continent, colonialism was imposed by European states from the outside, in South Africa the colonialists lived in the territory they occupied permanently…

Alexander Mezyaev