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On Some Results of the Parliamentary Elections in Five States of India

In November 2023, local parliamentary elections were held in five states of India, which some experts, using the language of sports events, called the “semi-finals.” The “finals” will be the next general elections to the lower house of the country’s Central Parliament, which will be held for one or two months next spring. As a result of these elections, a new Central Government will be formed. In fact, one of the main intrigues of the recent elections in five states were the forecasts, based on the predictions regarding the content of the word “new.” Because since 2014 for two consecutive electoral…

Vladimir Terehov

India Jumps on Washington’s ‘China Containment’ Bandwagon

China’s fast-expanding global influence – especially, in the context of the Gaza war – has already emerged as a key issue for Washington. The US is already in a state of denial, and China’s rising global status is turning into too big an issue for New Delhi to handle without entering into a formal anti-China alliance being put together by the US. Therefore, there is an added incentive for New Delhi to reinforce its alliance with the US in an even more anti-China way. This was the major development out of the fifth annual US-India “2+2 dialogue” held on November 10, 2023, in India…

Salman Rafi Sheikh

The U.S. strengthens AUKUS

Washington continues to methodically build up the military capabilities of its most promising Asian “small geometry” alliance, AUKUS, which includes its most trusted allies, the UK and Australia, in an attempt to maintain military dominance over the PRC. On 1 December, the Defense Ministers of the three countries met at the headquarters of the Defense Innovation unit in California, where they were given a visual showcase of the U.S. progress in developing promising weapons. The choice of location and the stunning showcase were intended to provide an additional…

Fernando Gaillardo