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Europe under the unbearable yoke and heavy burden of the United States

The latest round of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the current carnage inflicted by Israel on all Palestinians in Gaza, will continue for some time and end in another tragedy for the Palestinians. But in the long run, all these events will lead to huge negative consequences that all the people of the Middle East, including the Israelis, will be experiencing for a long time. But while none of the parties in the world will benefit from the disaster, “European countries will particularly pay a higher price for the ongoing conflict,” notes the Iranian publication Tehran Times…

Viktor Mikhin

Western War Machine is in Panic Mode

The sheer inability of the collective West to force Russia into submission in Ukraine plus the fast-changing global opinion about the West in the context of the latter’s support for Israel’s brutal war on the Gazans has put the so-called ‘liberal-democratic’ world into a panic mode. The White House has already said that it will run out of money to fund Ukraine into 2024 unless the US Congress gives approval for more funding. This has led the Western war machine – primarily led by the US – to anticipate a possible defeat.

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Turkey: a balance of ambition and opportunities…

In the first quarter of the 21st century, Turkey has demonstrated a confident and resolute policy aimed at changing its age-old status of a regional state towards a super-regional power and one of the centers of the multipolar world (in particular, the leader of the Turkic world). In principle, the strategy of imperial revanchism has never left the political thinking of the Turkish elite after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire following World War I. Under the leadership of Kemal Atatürk, Turkey was forced to accept the status of a regional state due to its defeat in World War I and the loss of key territories in the Balkans…

Alexandr Svaranc