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Accounting for Israel’s Failure in the Gaza War

With more than 23,000 people, including thousands of children, killed in Gaza and Hamas far from eliminated – which was Israel’s foremost military objective – Jerusalem’s promise of the war continuing in 2024 is a stark acceptance of a failure. This is on top of the fact that it still does not have to plan to prevent civilian casualties. This failure has led Israel to strike in Lebanon. The strike that killed a Hamas leader was a calculated move. The objectives were twofold…

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Gaza Conflict Moves Into 2024

The New Year always brings with it new hopes for a better life, allows us to evaluate the past year and set up goals for the next year. The modern world is going through a number of crisis processes with particularly acute military hotspots in Europe and the Middle East. Unfortunately, U.S.-led Western powers divide the global North and South in their own way and continue to pursue war, not peace, with their policy of interference in regional processes. As for the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Tel Aviv does not intend to stop its active offensive operations…

Alexandr Svaranc

Gonzalo Lira: Open Season on Adversary Reporting Journalist, at least TruthTellers!

It should come as no surprise that the US only provided lip-service in response to the murder of a non-Ukrainian citizen; however, more people should have you heard about Gonzalo Lira, a dual Chilean-US citizen journalist, having recently died in Ukrainian custody. But they have not, and little, if anything, has been reported in the Western media. But on Yahoo News, reading what the Ukrainian media, such as Voice of Ukraine, has to say, you would almost want to say “Good Riddance,” as even the headline is full of subterfuge regarding the reported death in custody…

Henry Kamens