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Should the West be Sanctioned for Terrorism?

"In the long run, global politics are bound to become increasingly uncongenial to the concentration of hegemonic power in the hands of a single state. Hence, America is not only the first, as well as the only, truly global superpower, but it is also likely...

Jim Dean

Syria: Russia's Major Diplomatic Advance

The Syrian president Bashar Assad said in an interview to the American Fox News channel that Syria is prepared to surrender chemical weapons to the international community. But he warned the international community that if it's prepared to dispose of the stockpile...

Vladimir Simonov

USA starts blackmailing Russia over Syria

Here we go, not only has it gotten to the point that there have been allegations of Moscow, they say, of being a Damascus accomplice in their use of chemical weapons against insurgents and civilians, but now it’s gone as far as blackmailing Russia with the possibility of sanctions...
Viktor Titov