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Understanding China’s Navigation of the Gaza War

China has once again called for a comprehensive and permanent ceasefire in Gaza, including a globally agreed timeline for the creation of a separate state for the people of Palestine. China’s position, which many in the West see as singularly pro-Arab, has been consistent ever since the beginning of the present phase of Israel’s war on Gaza, which has already killed more than 23,000 civilians, including more than 10,000 Children. China has been trying to navigate the crisis in a way that guards its main interests, i.e., its multi-billion dollar investment across the region…

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Pakistan-Iran Conflict: Reasons and Outcomes

Recently, the world has seen unprecedented tensions between Iran and Pakistan. Both countries have conducted strikes over each other’s territories amidst the surging tensions across the Middle Eastern region and beyond. Iran has conducted strikes over Syria, Iraq, and Pakistan due to multiple factors. However, what caught the world’s attention was Iran’s missile attacks on Pakistan, as the latter is a nuclear power known for its military capabilities…

Abbas Hashemite

“Ottoman Response” in Northern Iraq Could Create a New Crisis Throughout the Region

Turkey considers the Kurdish issue among the priority threats to its national security. In this regard, the formation of a Kurdish autonomy in the territory of south-east Turkey is perceived by Ankara as an existential threat to internal security, as well as the possibility of such autonomies (and especially an independent Kurdistan) in the territory of neighboring countries (in particular, in Syria, Iraq and Iran) threatens to the Turkey’s external security. Actually, it is also not clear where tens of millions of Kurds should move to from the territories they have inhabited for many centuries…

Alexandr Svaranc