28.07.2014 Janet Phelan

The recent announcement by the WHO that it was postponing a decisión on destroying the remaining smallpox depositories—one allegedly in Russia at VECTOR and the other in the United States at the CDC—may not have been prompted by what the press has termed a difference...

27.07.2014 Salman Rafi Sheikh

Nowhere do geo-political upheavals take place so surprisingly as in the Middle East, and nowhere do ‘enemies’ become ‘friends’ overnight and vice versa. No wonder, the Middle East is the most volatile region in the world not only in terms of the deeply immersed conflicts but...

26.07.2014 Eric Draitser

The downing of Malaysian Airlines flight 17 (MH17 is a tragedy that will be remembered for years to come. However, the way in which the West has distorted the facts about what happened is no mere accident. Rather, it is a clear attempt by Washington and its allies and...

25.07.2014 Ulson Gunnar

Acrimony and elation erupted on opposing sides of a growing geopolitical rift in the Pacific following Japan's decision to sidestep its constitution and seek a more aggressive global posture. AP reported that, "Japan's Cabinet on Tuesday approved a reinterpretation...

24.07.2014 Caleb Maupin

The US news media is buzzing about the Malayasian airline which was downed from the sky in Ukraine. Some questions are being raised. Some are asking “Why did Ukrainian air traffic controllers not stop the flight from passing through...

23.07.2014 Matthew Crosston

The percentage of Americans who have heard of Yemen is undoubtedly small. Still fewer could locate it on a map. Still fewer have even an inkling of its current political issues. Reality shows that civil unrest and insurrection has been happening in...

22.07.2014 Gordon Duff

America claims “evidence is being tampered with.” Who would know better than America? After 9/11, the evidence, not just the dirt itself, enriched with uranium and plutonium, taken to a landfill, but the scant remains of the twin towers, sold to China, never...

21.07.2014 Seth Ferris

This is not the first time there has been a downing of a commercial flight, and, as in most such cases, there is more to the story of Malaysian Airlines MH17 than the first impression suggests. One particular case from the past gives us clues as to what...

21.07.2014 Henry Kamens

For diplomats of any country, Moscow represents a plum posting. If you are selected to serve there it implies your government has great trust in your abilities and you have had a previous career of meritorious service. Or it means you are John Tefft...

21.07.2014 Viktor Mikhin

A number of positive events which may have a lasting influence on the future of the whole region has recently occurred in Syria. The first — is the appointment of a new UN envoy to Syria, Staffan de Mistura, an Italian diplomat that has been working in the United...

21.07.2014 Vladimir Terehov

The world’s largest naval exercises, Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC, are currently being held in the Pacific Ocean. They began on June 26 and will continue until August 1, 2014. This year they include 49 ships, 6 submarines, over 200 planes and 25,000 military personnel from...

20.07.2014 Ulson Gunnar

When we think about the term "blowback," we think of the rogues gallery of foreign mercenary forces the United States has created or exploited over the decades who invariably end up turning on their creators. The most prominent among these is Al Qaeda who...