13.05.2014 Matthew Crosston

If you spend some time listening to reputable news shows all across the West you will start to notice several recurring ‘interpretations’ that explain all things Russian and Vladimir Putin. Rather than being enlightening about this complex country and perhaps even more complex leader, a series of increasingly incredulous ‘pop-psychology-analyses’ emerge instead. What follows are just five of the most commonly touted...

12.05.2014 Viktor Mikhin

The current administration of Barrack Obama, considering itself the new ruler of the world à la Napoleon, in an attempt to subsume the remaining governments under itself, is crossing every conceivable border and acting with completely unfettered audacity....

11.05.2014 Alexander Salitsky

Within the present tense (and, hopefully, temporarily political and ideological fighting in Russia, it would appear that losing sides have already been determined. This situation is completely normal for a recovering society. In my opinion, the...

10.05.2014 Tony Cartalucci

TIME Magazine echos Wall Street and Washington - so when it speaks, readers must listen in that context. Nothing shows the link between TIME's biased, intentionally misleading propaganda and the agenda of the corporate-financier elite that rule America better...

10.05.2014 Matthew Crosston

Oh how fickle and strange ‘revolutions’ can be. Perhaps the Western academic world can be forgiven for its presumptuousness: after all, it has been nearly a generation since the dissolution of the Soviet Union and subsequent march of ‘democratic revolutions’ all over the globe. Well, actually, that is partially true. What has erupted all over the globe has largely been the triumph of democratic language: most regimes, whether they truly resemble...

09.05.2014 Salman Rafi Sheikh

The US  ambitious “pivot” to Asia is not working the way it would have wanted it to. Not only is is facing strong competition and resistance from potential ‘enemy’ states, but its own so-called ‘allies’ have also started to become a source of trouble rather...

08.05.2014 Matthew Crosston

While China has accepted human security as a new framework to study modern security challenges, it has been very busy trying to show how the implications of human security can be intrusive and even invasive of state sovereignty. Indicative of its confidence in projecting its own power outward across the global community, ‘non-traditional security’ includes not just people and populations but actual state security as well. Thus, China definitively inserts...

08.05.2014 Eric Draitser

In his landmark post-colonial work Culture and Imperialism, the world renowned public intellectual and critical theorist Edward Said wrote, “Just as none of us is outside or beyond geography, none of us is completely free...

08.05.2014 Viktoria Panfilova

After witnessing unfortunate events in the Crimea and not having been able to realize its ambitions in Ukraine, the USA is now trying to maintain influence in Central Asia. The region, which borders troubled Afghanistan, may become...

07.05.2014 Tony Cartalucci

Syrian forces have edged closer to restoring order across the pivotal Syrian city of Homs in recent weeks, in tandem with other major gains being made across the rest of Syria. Encircled and depleted terrorist forces appear...

07.05.2014 Vladimir Odintsov

The latest actions undertaken by White House representatives and the Washington administration clearly highlight how the chief dogmas of current American politics require open confrontations and secret operations in various regions of the world to...

07.05.2014 Roman Pogorelov

The problem of the two separate Chinas interacting is by no means new and generally it pertains to issues with Taiwan, i.e. defining the relationship between Beijing and Taipei in the new bipolar world of the second half of the 20th century. The USSR and the USA were the...