05.08.2014 Tony Cartalucci

It is abundantly clear that a truthful resolution to the tragedy of the downed Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was never the goal of Washington, London, and Brussels. Citing baseless accusations surrounding the tragedy, the West has leveled a series...

05.08.2014 Yuri Simonyan

The situation concerning the unrecognized republic of Nagorno-Karabakh (NKR has escalated to the point where today, in rare unison, Washington, Moscow and Brussels demanded an immediate halt to any action that would lead to a further increase in the tensions...

03.08.2014 Tony Cartalucci

The term "Russian aggression" has been inundating headlines across the Western media and even graces the title of a US Senate bill introduce this year - S.2277 - Russian Aggression Prevention Act of 2014. But what "aggression" is the West referring to...

02.08.2014 Caleb Maupin

Germany and the United States, two western imperialist countries, are moving further and further away from each other. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has spoken against Obama in harsh terms, condemning...

02.08.2014 Janet Phelan

Dr. Wouter Basson, whose work as head of the South African apartheid government's biological and chemical warfare unit earned him the nickname “Dr. Death,” has again evaded sentencing. Basson was first arrested in 1997, following the dissolution of the apartheid government. His much...

01.08.2014 Eric Draitser

Unlike previous centuries and epochs, modern warfare is not restricted solely to the battlefield. Rather, it extends into the information sphere where the dissemination of propaganda and the construction of narratives are of equal importance...

01.08.2014 Vladimir Terehov

The development of the political situation in the Asia-Pacific region is heavily influenced by the system of relations in the strategic quadrilateral "US-China-Japan-India" as a whole, as well as those in each of its "sides" and "diagonals". Another two or three years ago it seemed...

31.07.2014 Tony Cartalucci

Citing the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 as impetus, US President Barack Obama announced stronger sanctions against Russia leveled by both the US and EU. This comes after previous sanctions implemented before the downing of MH17 failed to garner support across Europe...

31.07.2014 Stanislav Ivanov

After parliamentary elections in March 2014, Iraq has, for the longest time, failed in attempts to form a legislative and executive branch of government which has resulted in a new protracted internal political crisis (and as we well know, after parliamentary elections in 2010...

30.07.2014 Christof Lehmann

The war in Ukraine became predictable when the great Muslim Brotherhood Project in Syria failed during the summer of 2012. It became unavoidable in December 2012, when the European Union and Russia failed to agree on the EU's 3rd Energy Package. The geopolitical...

30.07.2014 Matthew Crosston

One of the odd things inevitably lost in the mire and labyrinth of complex high politics is how often executive leaders purposely and subtly prolong conflict, confusion, and corruption because to minimize it or to make progress against it will signal the start of actually...

29.07.2014 Henry Kamens

Nato Potskhishvili, a Tbilisi-based journalist, recently interviewed Jeffrey Silverman, an American journalist who has lived in Georgia since 1991. Silverman is a well known figure in the country who now works as Bureau Chief for the US Military Affairs Journal...