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Uzbekistan and its future

Uzbek President Islam Karimov is dead-set on smashing any stirrings of revolution and protecting the country from both foreign and domestic enemies. In his speech marking the country’s 23rd anniversary of independence, the President drew particular attention to the prevention...

Viktoria Panfilova

Afghanistan: From “War on Terror” to “War for Resources”

Is the discourse of “war on terror” now being supplemented by “war for Profits?” Obviously, we would not find any US or Western official describing the war scene in Afghanistan as something now exclusively geared towards ensuring greater control over the country’s...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Pro-Israel Lobby Ensures Israeli “Terrorist State” Operates with Legal Impunity

At the beginning of this week Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, announced the intention of the Israeli state to further expand Israeli settlements in the West Bank in an attempt to annex an additional 400 hectares...

Steven MacMillan