23.11.2014 Valeriy Maleev

The so-called ‘Islamic State’ (ISIS, which has been so much spoken and written about by international experts and information agencies recently and in reality is just a movement of jihadists, now allegedly controls the major part of the north-east of Syria and...

22.11.2014 Viktor Titov

American voters have punished Obama by handing over Congress to the Republicanseven though it seems that he failed to understand why this has happened. The neocons now have the upper hand in the Senate as wellamong which one may find such war hawks like Lindsey Graham and...

22.11.2014 Gordon Duff

While the US is negotiating with Iran over its nuclear program and American lawmakers like Senator John McCain calling for preemptive strikes on America’s ally, Pakistan, America’s own nuclear weapons program is suffering from not only failures in command but inventory...

22.11.2014 Bakhtiar Usmonov

Former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's intention to run for a seat in the Majlis, the country's unicameral legislature, isn't sitting well with his opponents, led by current President Hassan Rouhani. For the past several months, Rouhani's team has been...

21.11.2014 Konrad Stachnio

"Come and select your fascist" - These are the words written on the leaflet from the previous presidential "election", with a black eagle holding a swastika in its claws and Ukrainian flag in the background. In the end, however, we lived to 'concrete' representatives in Ukraine...

21.11.2014 Vladimir Platov

Against the background of actively discussed recent developments in the Middle East, Washington's activity in Africa has been given less attention in foreign media. This could not happen without the active influence of the United States on the said process in order to...

20.11.2014 Natalya Zamarayeva

President Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai made his first official foreign visit less than a month after his inauguration in late September 2014. According to official Afghani statements, "his meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping was mutually beneficial".

19.11.2014 Viktor Titov

Listening to the opinions of experts regarding the continuing sharp decline in oil prices, one is involuntarily surprised at the naive estimates, which can be summed up like this: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and several other OPEC members are reducing oil prices exclusively to take...

18.11.2014 Maxim Egorov

Lebanon is a relatively small, but extremely specific country, therefore universal cri- teria cannot be commonly applied to it. For this reason the Arab Spring that has swept across the Middle East and virtually destroyed four states: Syria, Libya, Iraq and Yemen, failed in Lebanon...

17.11.2014 Ulson Gunnar

Al Qaeda affiliates are suddenly now Islamic State (ISIS affiliates, and entire groups of militants the US has been arming, funding, and training are "surrendering" to Al Qaeda, bringing along with them a large number of US weapons. Is this a failure of...

17.11.2014 Vladimir Odintsov

Hatred of Islam became a noticeable part of the Western political establishment at the end of last century, when there was a significant increase in political and economic activity among Muslim states, as well as in their role in...

16.11.2014 Tony Cartalucci

In reality, nothing was intended to be decided during US President Barrack Obama's visit to Beijing, China. US policy regarding China has been more or less set for decades and only superficial, rhetorical changes are made year-to-year for a variety of...