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Russia-ATR: Dividing Lines vs. ASEAN Security System. Part 2

In the previous article, you and I examined the relations between Russia and the ASEAN organisation – one of the fundamentally important “players” in the Asia-Pacific region. This is the largest and most successful association in Southeast Asia, which in geo-economic terms occupies one of the leading places in Asia and unites a region with a population of over 600 million people. Now I propose to talk about the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum, a multilateral regional association with the participation of 21 economies, including Russia, which discusses…

Aleksei Bolshakov

So why did Turkey refuse to participate in the Davos forum?

Traditionally, at the beginning of the new year, Professor Klaus Schwab, the founder and Chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), since 1971, has gathered at the famous ski resort in Davos a regular summit of world politicians, businessmen and representatives of the leading media to discuss the current state and prospects of the world economy and other topical issues. One can treat this forum in different ways, but the fact remains that it is the flagship club gathering of business and political players in Switzerland. More than 1,000 major companies and organisations are members of the WEF…

Alexandr Svaranc

Wag-the-Dog Media Coverage “Flops and then Fails” in Ukraine and the Israeli Fiasco

“What goes around comes around”, so goes the old adage; that also applies to media coverage of the position of the US in World Affairs, and especially over the conduct of deadly conflicts in Ukraine and Israel.  Apparently the abrupt change in tone of Western media about Ukraine, or rather over the fighting in Ukraine, Palestine, and many parts of the world have suddenly met the underside of the bus, for starters!..

Seth Ferris