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ISIS Mercenary Admits Getting Funds from US

The Express Tribune, an affiliate of the New York Times, recently reported in an article titled, "Startling revelations: IS operative confesses to getting funds via US," that another "coincidence" appears to be contributing to the so-called...

Tony Cartalucci

Myth and Reality of the US War against ISIL

A lot of official statements, media reports and analysis about the US led war against ISIL are coming out these days for public consumption, glorifying the ‘success’ of the US airstrikes in defeating and pushing back the ‘enemy.’ The narrative...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Pakistan and India: the Tension Grows

Islamabad and New Delhi marked the new year of 2015 with regular Pakistani-Indian cross-border skirmishes, both on the Line of Control, and in certain sectors of the Working Border. The clashes have intensified in late December 2014, and the confrontation on the...

Natalya Zamarayeva