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Cold War Triumphalism and Chicken-and-Egg Dilemmas

There is a decided chicken-and-egg quality when trying to unravel Russian-American relations. The general pessimism and pejorative characterizations that come from the U.S. Congress clearly have a negative influence on Putin’s strident bravado and dismissive...

Matthew Crosston

Turkey: The Double Standard Policy

Officially, Ankara opposes the idea of the creation of an autonomous Kurdish region in North-East Syria, similar to that in Iraqi Kurdistan. This was stated by Turkish President, Recep Tayyir Erdoğan, in the newspaper Hürriyet, when asked to give his opinion on the liberation...

Bakhtiar Usmonov

US Syria Policy Shifts Quietly with Russian Help

If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy. Then he becomes your partner.” ~ Nelson Mandela The shifting sands analogy for Mideast geopolitics is often used and often on the mark, but to that can now be added shifting winds. And by that I mean...

Jim Dean