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Putin and Iran Do a ‘Game Changer’

The dynamics of Russian foreign policy since the USA has forced a de facto declaration of war via financial and economic sanctions against Russia is impressive to put it mildly. Whether it will suffice to break the economic siege of Washington and open the way for a genuine...

F. William Engdahl

America’s National Security Schizophrenia: Damning Russia with ‘Partnership’

There is no stronger example of the schizophrenic nature of American foreign policy toward Russia than comparing statements written in the formal National Security Strategy (NSS of President Obama with actual...

Matthew Crosston

US "Easing Into" War with Syria Using ISIS Boogeyman

The US is a few "accidental" airstrikes away from total war with Syria. The US is reportedly working with Turkey to provide militants inside of Syria with radios to call in US airstrikes to help in their "fight against ISIS." Despite the obvious...

Tony Cartalucci