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Bibi Bombs by “Mouthboarding” Congress

The dust is beginning to settle and the fire extinguishers being refilled after “Bibi the Iran Dragon Slayer’s” fiery Congressional speech. An unprecedented number of seats were empty in the hall… 55 in total, but adding to the Republican shock was their constant looking...

Jim Dean

Russia’s Remarkable Renaissance

Something remarkable is taking place in Russia, and it’s quite different from what we might expect. Rather than feel humiliated and depressed Russia is undergoing what I would call a kind of renaissance, a rebirth as a nation. This despite or in fact because the West, led by...

F. William Engdahl

Washington’s Al Qaeda Ally Now Leading ISIS in Libya

The revelations that US ally Abdelhakim Belhadj is now leading ISIS in Libya should come as no surprise to those who have followed US policy in that country, and throughout the region. It illustrates for the umpteenth time that Washington has provided...

Eric Draitser