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Global Threat? US Policymakers Admit Iran is Defending Itself

US policymakers admit that Iran's strategy is "largely defensive," and both aggressive and defensive tendencies are largely in response to US policy in the Middle East and Central Asia. The US-based RAND Corporation, which describes itself as "a nonprofit...

Tony Cartalucci

Israel: Lieberman's Racist Statements and the Possible Election Results

In the run up to the election in Israel a single event that occurred on March 17 can seriously affect the whole race. Israeli Foreign Minister and the leader of Israel is Our Home right-wing nationalist political party, Avigdor Lieberman...

Valery Kulikov

Unasked Questions and the New “Doublespeak”

“Doublespeak,” by definition, and there are endless definitions, refers essentially to the debasement of language intended to define “truth” while leaving it “unfactual.” (Gordon Duff, Veterans Today. Quoting actor John Banner who played Sergeant Shultz, the bumbling...

Gordon Duff