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Iran Nuclear Agreement: What Comes Around...

Once the initial euphoria over a successful conclusion of negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program has worn off, more realistic or even outright pessimistic assessments started appearing among the international experts both on the...

Vladimir Simonov

A Turning Point in Brazil: Which Way Forward for Dilma Rousseff?

In a highly polarized Latin America, Brazil has held out for a little more than a decade as an island of moderation. The leaders of Venezuela and Bolivia strive for the creation of “21st Century Socialism” and lead a continental...

Caleb Maupin

On Deployment of the American ABM System Elements in South Korea

According to the South-Korean mass media reports, despite previous denials by the RK government of this fact, the US military acknowledged that they had already selected and inspected the locations, which were most...

Konstantin Asmolov