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Russia and Japan in the Face of Sanctions

One eloquent expression says: ‘The East is a delicate matter’, and in the contemporary world it is also influence-prone. Japan, like all G-7 countries piloted by the key player – USA, has joined in economic sanctions against Russia due to the situation in the southeast of...

Bakhtiar Usmonov

Ukraine Partnering with NATO...to the Surprise of No One

Despite more than a year of claiming otherwise, the US-backed government of Ukraine is now openly acknowledging their close association with NATO. Although the rhetoric is carefully guarded so as not to admit that Ukraine has become a de facto...

Eric Draitser

American Elections: A Global Death Threat

This week in a secret meeting of global “fixers,” sometimes called the “Secret Shadow Government” or the “Khazarian Mafia,” Ohio Governor John Kasich, a virtual unknown, was chosen to join “the least of all Bushes,” former Florida governor Jeb Bush, to be...

Gordon Duff