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America’s Missed Opportunity In Syria

We begin with two issues that have come to light in the last week. The first involved the CIA Syria destabilization program that congress is voting to partially defund. It seems that the CIA has been operating with a $5 bn budget to arm separatist groups...

Gordon Duff

Who's Behind Asia-Pacific's Growing Tensions?

Increasing tension in the Asia-Pacific between China and nations surrounding its territory, appears to be an unstoppable and inevitable lead-up to regional conflict and perhaps even global war. In reality, for those who...

Tony Cartalucci

Turkey's Surprise Election Results – What Next?

In the run-up to last week's Turkish elections, most observers expected Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his AK Party to win a healthy two-thirds majority.  Had the AKP won, it would have paved the way for President Erdogan to make...

Gwenyth Todd