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Asia's military armoury is on the rise

In early December, Rob Phillips, spokesman for the US Army Pacific Command, announced Washington’s intention to begin deploying Tomahawk missiles with a range of about 2,700 kilometres, capable of carrying a nuclear warhead, on islands in the Indo-Pacific region in 2024. The move will be the first ground deployment of intermediate-range missiles since the White House withdrew from the INF Treaty. It is noteworthy that the formal reason for breaking the agreement was Russia’s development of the 9M729 cruise missile, which allegedly falls under the ban. Now we see that the Americans were…

Nguyen Kien Van

The divergence of Israeli and US approaches on the settlement of the Palestinian question

Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, as reported by The Times of Israel, said the IDF will soon enter the fray near the northern border with Lebanon to suppress Hezbollah. In recent weeks, Israel has been rushing significant forces and military equipment to the border with Lebanon as pro-Iranian Hezbollah supports Hamas militarily. Last December, it became known that the Israel Defence Forces General Staff was preparing a plan to invade southern Lebanon. In turn, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu opposed the withdrawal of the army from the Gaza Strip and ruled out…

Alexandr Svaranc

Philippine President's visit to Vietnam

The state visit of Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. to Vietnam took place on 29-30 January this year. This event in itself and the various circumstances surrounding it deserve at least a brief and very general commentary. Mainly because it is a remarkable act in the relations between two important countries of the South-East Asia sub-region, where the current stage of the “Big World Game” with the participation of the leading world powers, i.e. China and the USA, is developing with particular acuteness. The presence of new emerging significant players is becoming more and more…

Vladimir Terehov