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Bernie Sanders: Anti-Russian Propaganda and “Vermont Socialism”

The presidential campaign of Bernie Sanders -- an anti-Russia, Israel-supporting politician from Vermont -- revives an archaic feud among leftists. The old debate about “sewer socialism” is back. In the early part of the 20th century...

Caleb Maupin

Saakashvili and the Chechens in Ukraine: I’ve Seen the Future, It Is Murder

Jeffrey Silverman, Georgian Bureau Chief for US Military Intelligence Journal Veterans Today, recently gave a guest lecture to a group of investigative journalism students at a private university in Tbilisi. Its initial...

Henry Kamens

Bahrain and its Uncertain Future

Recently Bahrainis filled streets across the country to protest the sentencing of the Al-Vafak opposition leader Sheikh Ali Salman. It’s reported that civil unrest broke out in some neighboring countries. It should be noted that since the events of the Arab Spring, all across...

Valery Kulikov