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Tunisia and its Security Challenges

According to a recent statement by Tunisia’s President Beji Caid Essebsi, in the aftermath of the terrorist attack in the resort town of Sousse, a state of emergency is going to be introduced across the country for the next 30 days to allow local army and police...

Ekaterina Ryzhkova

A Study of Julian

This week, 500,000 documents from Saudi intelligence were released by WikiLeaks, or were they? Now we find that teams, including Israeli intelligence, are “sifting through” the release, coordinating them into groups and removing what they tell us we don’t need to see...

Gordon Duff

Sino–US Relations: Another Detente?

Modern Sino-US relations, essentially defining the world situation, with a certain stretch of the imagination can be divided into political and economic components, each of which has specific problems. The political component has sharply deteriorated in the course of...

Vladimir Terehov