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The Iran Agreement, More Nuclear Theatre

The planet is saved from the brink of war, we are told today. Everyone is weighing in, broken politicians, the walking dead of the geopolitical world hoping their inane observations on the obvious and meaningless might bring an iota of attention their way...

Gordon Duff

Danish PM Lars Løkke-Rasmussen: Notorious Sponsor of Terrorism

The election of a Danish Venstre (liberal minority government led by PM Lars Løkke-Rasmussen is setting Denmark on a collision course with Russia; a course that promotes NATO's expansion, and the continued State / NATO...

Christof Lehmann

Iraq in the Shadow of American "Democracy"

A highly interesting and instructive communiqué has drawn the attention of many Arabists. The office of the President of Iraqi Kurdistan issued a statement on June 24 saying that President Massoud Barzani met with the US Ambassador to Baghdad Stuart Jones, US Council...

Viktor Mikhin