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DPRK and the Progress in Addressing Iran's Nuclear Problem

On July 14, the lengthy negotiations between Iran and the "six world powers" culminated in signing an agreement on the Iran's nuclear program. The result of...

Konstantin Asmolov

US Invasion of Syria: The Deep Breath Before the Plunge

When Foreign Policy magazine recently claimed, "Turkey Goes to War," in their article of the same title, what they really meant was "the US goes to war." That is because the lengthy plan they described in their article is not of the Turks' creation, but a long-standing...

Tony Cartalucci

Israel and Congress go to war on the Iran agreement, and the World

It has taken a week to sift through the initial Iran nuclear agreement confusion, but the battle lines are now clearly drawn. Israel has chosen to show that despite its diplomatic loss here it still has its hooks deep inside...

Jim Dean