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Pakistan - Iran: a Betrayal of National Interests or a Cold Calculation on the part of Navaz Sharif?

The lifting of sanctions from Iran was the latest challenge for the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Navaz Sharif, after the signing by Tehran on July...

Alexei Abramov

The “New Thirty Years War” in the Middle East – A Western Policy of Chaos?

The Middle East has been in a state of chaos for years now, with each passing year bringing a new wave of instability, carnage and human suffering to the people of the region. From Afghanistan to Iraq, Libya to Syria, Western foreign policy has...

Steven MacMillan

It Ain’t “New” Middle East, It’s a New Arms Race

Since 2013, Saudi Arabia’s defence spendings have risen by almost 13 percent. Bahrain`s government, which was so threatened by the revolutionary movement that Saudi tanks rolled in to quell demonstrations, also upped military spendings that year by 26 percent...

Salman Rafi Sheikh