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US Complains As Russia Bombs its Terrorists

The New York Times in its recent article, "Russians Strike Targets in Syria, but Not ISIS Areas," attempts to frame Russia's recent actions in Syria as dishonest and dangerous. It reports: Russian aircraft carried out a bombing attack against

Tony Cartalucci

Jeremy Corbyn: The Chicken Coming Home To Roost

In the 1980s Western Europe was obsessed with building nuclear shelters, as the end of civilization as we knew it was about to be rained upon us. Since the end of the Cold War these shelters have been sold off, but often not publicly, the reasoning for...

Seth Ferris

Can Washington Get a New Military Base in Central Asia?

The special attention that the United States has been paying to Central Asia, while actively seeking ways to implement a strategy of global leadership in the region that is now fully recognized as the center of Eurasia, has been covered in numerous articles...

Vladimir Odintsov