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Reaction to the New Japanese Defense Legislation

Final approval of the raft of defense laws that was effected by the Upper Chamber of the Japanese National Diet (Japanese Parliament overnight into September 19 2015, received an overall negative reaction of the Japanese society. An opinion poll...

Vladimir Terehov

Can Russia Make a Difference in Syria?

As soon as Russian air forces began bombing terrorists in Syria, a perfectly timed and thoroughly planned anti-Russian media campaign was launched in the Western media. In those loud and defiant cries to stop bombing “valuable US assets in the region” one can...

Viktor Mikhin

The Strange Case of the Syrian Opposition

US Secretary of Defense Ash Carter has cited concerns that Russia may be hitting the wrong targets in Syria. Does Carter believe that a Syrian opposition group utterly and absolutely divorced from terrorist allegiances exists?  Recent maps including one released by the UK Telegraph on...

Gordon Duff