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The current state of China-North Korea relations

Discussions on "How soon will China surrender North Korea" are the topic of the day of South Korean or American political analysts, expecting that sooner or later Beijing will get bored of the Pyongyang's provocative behaviour ("pragmatism will...

Konstantin Asmolov

Terror Junkies: The West’s Addiction to Funding Radical Groups

Similar to a heroin addict, Western nations have a destructive addiction which they are so dependent on, they appear unwilling to give it up.  Funding radical terror...

Steven MacMillan

Is the Lesson of Latest Terrorist Attacks Going to be Learned?

In recent weeks, ISIL has manifested itself as one of the most aggressive groups in the world of international terrorism. As it has been pointed out by the Foreign Policy magazine, in just a month the group claimed...

Martin Berger