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Why the West Can Never Defeat or “Forgive” Russia

Historically and intuitively, Russia has fought for the survival of humanity. Of course, things are not always pronounced or defined in such terms. However, already on several occasions, this enormous country has stood up against the most mighty...

Andre Vltchek

Middle East: the West’s Crocodile Tears

It seems, the eve of the New 2016 Year, is witnessing a period of great repentance in the West. Not a day goes by without some politician making a penitential speech, telling the whole world about his previous crimes and sins. It appears that...

Viktor Mikhin

North Korea and the Hydrogen Bomb

Talks about hydrogen bomb of North Korea were successfully superimposed on a new round of speculations that the North was about to"whack" again. Way back on October 30 the South Korean media, citing a source in the government, reported that works on construction...

Konstantin Asmolov