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Surreal: West Mourns Death of Al Qaeda Collaborator in Syrian Airstrike

Jaysh al-Islam is a stalwart ally of US State Department-listed terrorist organization al-Nusra, though one would never suspect as much reading weepy Western eulogies over the terrorist organization leader's death. The commander...

Tony Cartalucci

Japan and South Korea are getting closer

The complexity and intricacy of the situation in Northeast Asia (NEA manifests itself, in particular, in the state of Japanese-South Korean relations. On the one hand, Japan and South Korea (Republic of Korea are the closest regional allies of...

Vladimir Terehov

Syria is the Middle Eastern Stalingrad

Day and night, for years, an overwhelming force has been battering this quiet nation, one of the cradles of human civilization. Hundreds of thousands have died, and millions have been forced to flee abroad or have been internally displaced. In many cities...

Andre Vltchek