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Reports of Russia's Defeat in Syria are Greatly Exaggerated

In the immediate aftermath of Russia's announcement of a partial withdrawal from Syria upon accomplishing its initial objectives, pundits, politicians, and analysts in the West attempted to capitalize on it by portraying Russia in retreat...

Tony Cartalucci

Situation in the South China Sea and G7

The momentum-gaining topic of escalation of the situation in the South China Sea will undoubtedly be one of the main items on the agenda of the regular G7 summit scheduled for the end of May 2016. Ultimately, two circumstances can motivate the “Group...

Vladimir Terehov

The Cloak and Dagger Inside the Kerry Briefcase

On March 24th US Secretary of State John Kerry stepped off a plane at Moscow’s Airport carrying a valise in his right hand. Arriving for negotiations with Russian President Vladimir Putin, the familiar tall statesman looked a bit out of character...

Phil Butler