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Obama Admits US Drone Strikes Kill Civilians

The US President has acknowledged that American drone strikes have killed innocent civilians and that there has been “legitimate criticism” about the practice in the past. Speaking at the Nuclear Security Summit on the 1st of April, Barack Obama...

Steven MacMillan

The West's Terrorist "Catch and Release" Program

Virtually every suspect involved in recent Brussels bombing had been tracked, arrested, in custody - either by European security agencies or the agencies of their allies - but inexplicably released and allowed to carry out both the Brussels...

Tony Cartalucci

Saudi Arabia’s Plan for the MENA –Where is the Place to Stop?

Saudi Arabia King Salman visited Egypt this weekend – a move most media hailed as a sign of rapprochement in between the two powers, a positive development which will undoubtedly allow for better cooperation, and thus security in...

Catherine Shakdam