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Inauguration of Tsai Ing-wen as president of Taiwan

A difficult situation that has been developing in East Asia in recent months was further complicated by a significant dose of uncertainty added as a result of the suspense over the first steps of Taiwan’s new president, Tsai Ing-wen, and...

Vladimir Terehov

Why Hospitals Come Under Fire in Hot Spots?

Back in 2010 a civil servant rang a community organisation, NGO, in the UK asking to meet with one of its representatives. Now there is a hospital bombing in Kunduz, Afghanistan. How could these two things possibly be connected? Read on. If you...

Seth Ferris

Western Kim-Phobia & The Danger of War

In almost every US aligned Gulf State, you can find an autocratic monarch who rules over a small, oil-rich corner of the world via an outdated, pre-democratic legal system that grants him absolute authority. King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia...

Caleb Maupin