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It’s Official! Turkey is Abetting ISIS in Syria

Apparently, the root of troubles that the common people of Turkey are facing goes much deeper than Erdogan’s ambition to constitutionally hijack Turkey’s political system by introducing presidential form of government. Turkey’s incumbent...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Davutoglu vs. Erdogan: Who Has Lost?

The resignation of Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and his future successor to be announced at the upcoming congress of the Justice and Development Party (AKP scheduled for May 22 has been actively discussed by international analysts recently...

Martin Berger

Myanmar: West's "Saint Suu Kyi" Tramples Rohingya

Myanmar's "de facto leader" Aung San Suu Kyi recently warned the United States to not refer to the Rohingya ethnic minority as "Rohingya," in an attempt to deny them the dignity and human rights she and her party posed as renowned defenders of. For those...

Tony Cartalucci