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The Conflict in Iraq Takes a New Shape

On May 23, the Iraqi government army and militias supported by the Iraqi Air Force and the aviation of the US-led coalition began an operation to liberate the city of Fallujah (50 km to the West of Baghdad in the Anbar Province...

Viktor Titov

US-India: Are We Witnessing a Strengthening Alliance?

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to state that over the recent years, Washington has made the isolation of Russia and China its prime objective. To achieve this goal, the White House has developed a plan to prevent the strengthening...

Martin Berger

Is The New York Times On Dope?

The Editiorial Board of the New York Times is smoking dope. This is the only conclusion I can make, that makes sense. After reading the board’s latest hallucination starring Vladimir Putin, I sat and ponder for minutes; just how...

Phil Butler