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On the scandal of the North Korean escapee waitresses

Prior to the parliamentary elections in South Korea, the news was awash with a beautiful story regaling readers with the refrain: “they chose freedom!”. 13 people (12 women and one man, the manager escaped from the North Korean...
Konstantin Asmolov

Qatar Carries On its Vicious Anti-Russian Policies

One couldn't help but notice that the Persian Gulf monarchies have recently started sending their emissaries to Moscow and Sochi way too often. This statement is particularly true when we take a close look at the actions of...

Petr Lvov

Tiananmen, Trump, and the American Psyche

Over and two and a half decades later, the events surrounding the protests in Tiananmen Square in 1989 are suddenly being brought up in relation to the US presidential elections. The way in which the events are now being discussed...

Caleb Maupin