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Where is the UK Heading Now Due to Cameron's Policies?

It seems that third time's the charm for the UK exiting the European Union. There’s little doubt that this event will be described in history books for a number of various reasons. The fact is that Brits are not just tired of...

Martin Berger

Armenia is Swarmed by Western NGOs

The tactics of employing non-governmental organizations (NGOs for the preparation of so-called “color revolutions” in North Africa, the Middle East and a number of former Soviet states has been the modus operandi of the US and...

Vladimir Platov

EU Referendum: The UK Votes To Shut Its Ears, For Now

No country has ever left the European Union. However the electors of the United Kingdom have just voted to do so. There are plenty of reasons why they might want to take this decision – but few UK electors are the slightest...

Seth Ferris