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Academic Imperialism: US Uses Education to Undermine China in Asia

The early 19th Century saw the development of an international competition between the British and Russian Empires over control and influence in Islamic Central Asia: Afghanistan, Persia, and the khanates south of Russia...

Eric Draitser

The Memes of “Europe”and “the West” Scrutinized in Asia

Several meaningful events which recently occurred in the Asia-Pacific region (APR allow us to talk about the conceptual aspect of some long-standing memes. The most important being ”Europe” and “the West”. Do they reflect...

Vladimir Terehov

Turkey's "Apology" to Russia to be Tested on Syria's Border

The Washington Post summarizes the recent apology offered to Russia by Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in its article, "Turkish president apologizes for downing of Russian warplane last year." It reports: Turkish...

Ulson Gunnar