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Assessment of Putin-Erdogan Meeting: Now We're Talking

The meeting that Russia’s President Vladimir Putin held with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Saint Petersburg has nearly attracted as much media attention as the Rio Olympics. Erdogan arrived in...

Martin Berger

‘Mind Your Own Businesses’, Erdogan Trolls the West

A number of Turkish top officials as well as politicians from almost all parties can today be seen trolling the West for its perceived inability or unwillingness to see a ‘strong’ Turkey under Erdogan’s leadership, arguing further...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

The Launch of Rodong and its Possible Political Fallout

On August 3, 2016 at 7:50 am local time, the United States Strategic Command recorded the launch of two North Korean medium-range Rodong missiles from the territory of South Hwanghae Province. One of the missiles exploded...

Konstantin Asmolov