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“Swan, Pike, and Crawfish”: Is a Union Possible Between the TPLF, OLA and Fano? Part 1

Ethiopia’s current political landscape is largely defined by the results of the “Oromo Revolution” – a political process that preceded the fall of the longstanding (1991-2018) hegemony of the and was initially seen as a harbinger of a soon-to-be landmark transformation in the country’s political life. After almost six years, however, it has become clear that such rosy expectations have been shattered by the harsh reality: the coming to power of Abiy Ahmed – the first prime minister in Ethiopia’s history…

Ivan Kopytsev

The run-up to the 2024 Parliamentary elections in South Korea. Part six. Is the third force uniting?

Having described the problems faced by the Democrats and Conservatives, let us move on to the issue of a “third force”. The demand for a centrist party has been felt in Korea for quite some time, but the existing system tends to either “squeeze out” or “absorb” such figures. In the present author’s opinion, there are several reasons for this. Firstly, even right back at the beginning, when the Republic of Korea was founded, the centrists were unable to emerge as a significant force…

Konstantin Asmolov

The fundamental crisis of the West

A growing number of media outlets in America and in Europe have recently reached the conclusion that “rules-based international order” long espoused by the West has failed. In essence, this means that the position of the Western powers in the world has weakened: they have failed to destroy the Russian economy by imposing sanctions, and the war in Gaza has demonstrated that the US and the Western European countries are far from all-powerful. The media frequently claim that Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine has changed the international situation…

Veniamin Popov