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Tokyo’s Messages to Beijing

August 15 is among the most significant and all-important days both for the politics of Japan and its immediate neighbours that watch, ever more closely each year, everything happening in one of the leading Asian countries. The reasons...

Vladimir Terehov

The Dangerous Temper Tantrums of US War Hawks

Similar to petulant children who do not get their own way, there is an increasingly choir of war hawks in the US who are pushing for a major escalation in the Syrian war. In response to the fading power of Washington in the world...

Steven MacMillan

The US Double Game in Yemen Reaches its Peak

On Saturday, August 20, the U.S. stated that it was going to reduce the number of its ‘advisers’ currently working in tandem with the Saudi Arabia led coalition in Yemen, further stating that the primary reason was the coalition’s...

Salman Rafi Sheikh