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North Korea launches SLBMs again

On August 24, 2016, North Korea conducted another launch of a submarine launched ballistic missile. The missile was launched at 5.30 local time and covered a distance of about 500 km and fell into the Sea of Japan (In Korea...

Konstantin Asmolov

Turkey's Intervention in Syria - What's at Stake?

It’s now safe to say that US military advisors took part in the planning phase of Turkey’s military intervention in Syria codenamed Euphrates Shield, not only to restore the “strategic partnership” between Washington and Ankara...

Jean Perier

Syrian Ceasefire Roulette – Can Anyone Win?

“It’s better to fix what you have than wait to get what you don’t.” - an old Arab proverb. I just finished a headline news slot for the Kerry-Lavrov press conference on their long running Syrian ceasefire talks, which they had...

Jim Dean