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Saudi Arabia and Iran: a New Burst of Confrontation

Before the beginning of the Hajj and the Great Islamic Holiday of Eid al-Adha (Sacrifice Feast of 2016, a conflict flared up in the Islamic world between Saudi Arabia and Iran came with a new force. It has not only deepened...

Pogos Anastasov

Western Arms Dealers Are Behind the Mounting Death Toll in Yemen

Civilian casualties were reported yet again in Yemen on September 10, with more than 20 people falling victims of Saudi airstrikes. It should be recalled that the coalition led by Saudi...

Jean Perier

On the Huff-and-Puff Hillary-Huffington Po-Po Post

Ludicrous is one term that approaches describing western media these days. Webster’s dictionary tells us that something; lu-di-crous – is a person, place or thing “so foolish, unreasonable or out of place as to be amusing...

Phil Butler