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On the Next Act on of the Global Political Game in Vientiane

After Beijing staged the G-20 Summit political show (which is becoming increasingly popular after superseding the long defunct political number a.k.a the G-7 Summit, the wandering troupe of political actors...

Vladimir Terehov

America in Asia: Arrogant, Unapologetic, and Ready for More Conflict

The United States exists an entire ocean away from Asia, yet its policymakers, politicians, and even Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter have declared America's "primacy" over the region, vowing to assert itself and its interests...

Tony Cartalucci

Juncker Goes Bonkers on the EU

“Whoever speaks of Europe is wrong; it is a geographical expression”…Otto von Bismark. The US President’s State of the Union address has long been known as a “feel good” PR exercise to schmooze political...

Jim Dean