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Africa Demands Reparations for Transatlantic Slavery and Colonization: It should also Reject Neo-Colonialism

African and Caribbean leaders are uniting to pursue reparations for horrendous atrocities perpetrated during transatlantic slavery and colonialism (here). On 30th January 2024, the Ghanaian Times published an article featuring the Guyanian president’s appeal to African leaders to expedite mechanisms for reparations for slavery and colonization (here). Similar calls were made by the Ghanaian president, Nana Akufu-Adoo (here) including earlier at the UN General Assembly…

Simon Chege Ndiritu

The run-up to the 2024 Parliamentary elections in South Korea. Part seven

The last article dealt with a number of groups that had split off from the Democratic and Conservative Parties to form a third force in South Korean politics, called the Reform Party. However, it seems that in the run-up to the elections both Democrats and Conservatives are likely to face yet another defection – although in reality it will not be a defection at all. Because we are likely to see a repeat of what happened with the 2020 elections. It will be recalled that the National Assembly has 300 seats, of which 253 are voted…

Konstantin Asmolov

The Horn of Africa in the quagmire of geopolitical rivalry Part Four: Abu Dhabi's invisible influence and the position of its immediate neighbours

According to The Economist, the UAE, which maintains close ties not only with Addis Ababa but also with Somaliland, played a mediating role in the signing of the memorandum discussed by all. From this point of view, an Ethiopian military base in Somaliland could be another step forward in strengthening Abu Dhabi’s influence in the Horn of Africa and the Persian Gulf region in general. It should be noted that Abu Dhabi has been addressing this issue for a number of years…

Viktor Goncharov